I have got no excuses
1:58 PMHello everyone!
How are you doing? I hope everything is fine!? I mean, I presume the last couple of years were a rollercoaster for everyone...
A lot has happened in my personal life. There were some hits and misses and I'm still dealing with some of the aftermath of the misses. I don't know if I'm ready to talk about the misses, but maybe after some time I might feel comfortable sharing a part of my experience. For the time being, I want to document my happy moments and take you with me :)
During the past years I started a couple of blog posts, but I just couldn't find the motivation or the will to post it. I was overthinking everything it consisted of a lot of "what ifs" and "what would other people think". To combat that feeling of anxiety I'm just going to post again. I'm not going to overthink, I'm not going to re-read everything and second guess myself about everything. I believe in taking small steps. This blog post is my first small step.
My plan is to take you along on this strange journey of mine.
Thank you for reading this.
We'll talk again soon!