
Holi phagwa 2017

5:05 PM

Hello everyone!

How are you doing? I am okay, more than okay if you will. Today I have celebrated Holi for the first time in six years and it was so much fun! 

My cousin and I were planning on going together and we wanted to ask our little cousin to go with us. But it was a bit last minute so we decided against it. My cousin decided to wish another cousin Happy Holi. She found out that she also wanted to go and we decided to meet up later. This is because I also hung out with a friend today, we went for a walk and it was so relaxing  We caught up with each other and then we drank a cup of tea at her home. She has three dogs and two of them were really nice and they immediately jumped me (I actually mean this quite literally). The other one was quite reserved and was barking at me almost the whole time. When we sat down with her parents the dog who barked at me, started to come closer and she started to sniffle my feet and my hands. She started to get a bit closer to me and I decided to pet her. Fortunately she let me! And after that it was pretty chill. We talked for a bit and then I had to go to the Holi celebration at a public square which is near our local marketplace. 
When I arrived I rang my cousin and they agreed to meet me at a store. From there we walked in to the public square. Music was blaring through the speakers, people were covered in coloured powder           and they were dancing. I instantly got happy. We decided to dance for a bit and after that we bought some 'Bara and dawet' those are some Surinamese delicacies. They are sooo good (if you make it yourself). I say this because at big gatherings like these, the flavours of food get compromised. After we ate, we danced like crazy. At first we were dancing in the outer ring but we decided to move to the middle because that's where the party was. People were dancing more and also throwing with powder. Oh and we also decided to move too the middle because not everyone was dancing in the outer ring. Let me just say that I wanted to be in the middle of it all ;)
Before we knew it, the gathering was over(it only lasted till 6 p.m. and I arrived at 5:15 p.m.) and we went home to have a shower and to chill a bit for the night.
And because I had so much fun today, I already asked my friends to come with me the next year. So I am really exited for that!

xo Laxmi 

The aftermath. 


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