
November was a fun month because...

9:09 AM

...after a couple of months I finally hung out with two different friend groups of mine! The first group I met in high school and the second group of friends I met during my internship two years ago. And I also hung out with another friend of mine who graduated college during the summer! 

...I read A LOT of books. I read a couple of the Harry Potter books in the beginning of November and then I took a short break from them. After Donald Trump was elected as a president I started reading again (I was reading the sixth book 'The half-blood prince'). I have to say that the book was an accurate description of how I was feeling.


Yes, I am talking about the ending where Dumbledore dies. That is the moment when you realize that the most difficult time is ahead of us. And that is the exact case with Donald Trump I think. He, just like Voldemort, has a vicious and dangerous following base and they agree with everything he says. They might even act on Donald's behalf, even if he doesn't directly say anything.    
I have also been reading a couple of books from Sugar Jamison (Dangerous curves ahead, Have yourself a curvy little Christmas and Thrown for a curve)! She wrote a 'Perfect fit' series and I have fallen in love with it. Her writing style is very captivating and she writes from the male and female perspective! If you love 'chicklits' then I would recommend this series to you.

... I feel like I have dreamt a lot in November. Unfortunately I have forgotten most of it but I do remember parts of my dream. I met Aziz Ansari in my dream and I freaked out. I decided to give him a hug in that moment, a bone 'crunching' hug might I add *winks vigorously*, and for some weird reason I wouldn't/couldn't let him go. And he looked SO uncomfortable, like "Get this chick off of me. Help me, anyone?!" When I woke up I was laughing my ass of. 
Oh, I also dreamt that I was at a wedding and some people were giving out ice cream. When they arrived at my table they didn't give me any ice cream and I felt left out. But they quickly realized that I didn't get any ice cream and they gave me some. Yeah... I have no idea what that's about...  

...I went to Melanie Martinez' concert! It was so much fun, you can watch a short clip on my Instagram! I am going to write a blog post about it. I know, I also have to write a blog post about: The Neighbourhood and Years&Years, but I have a small amount of time available right now, because of my thesis.    

... I decided to watch 'Parks and recreation'. Hmmmm, now I think about it, that might explain my dream about Aziz Ansari.  

The last but not least...

... I baked a Biscoff cake (speculoos cake), and it was delicious!

Thanks for reading guys! I hope you enjoyed my blog post and I will see you in the next couple of weeks! 

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