Hello everyone! How are you doing? I am okay, more than okay if you will. Today I have celebrated Holi for the first time in six years and it was so much fun! ...
Hello everyone, It has been a long time since I have posted, My apologies. First I focused on my thesis, then my exams and now my thesis again. Oh and since last week or so, my laptop charger broke, which I am really happy about... So I am writing this on my phone. And I do...
Hello everyone! I'M SO SORRY! My blogpost will go up near the end of January. At the moment I have so many things to do for college (my thesis, two exams and a paper)... The pressure is kind of getting to me and my biorhythm is totally out of whack. But I have to prioritize everything because of my new years resolution(s). You...
Yep, I am that girl who quotes tv-shows. "There comes a point where it all becomes too much. When we get too tired to fight anymore. So we give up. That’s when real work begins. To find hope where there seems to be absolutely none at all".- Christina Yang