
The Hague Shopping Night 2016

Hello everyone, How are you doing? I am doing kinda meeh. But I will tell you about that in my POTW blogpost!  In this blogpost I would like to inform my fellow Dutchies that there is a shopping Night in The Hague (a.k.a. Den- Haag) today the 24th. This is actually the first time that I will be going. I have heard about...

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Orlando shooting

Hello everyone,  Welcome to this new category on my blog! In this category I am going to talk about social issues in the world. I know that I have said in a lot of my other blogposts that I am going to focus on the happy things in life, but that does not mean that I will be ignoring the bad things that...

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A piece of my mind

Coming soon! Coming soon! ...

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Meeting some American college students!

Hello everyone, How are you doing? I'm doing pretty well. I just wanted to start of by saying that I'am incredibly late with posting this, but I had some technical difficulties, which resulted in me rebooting my laptop. And yes guys, I lost everything on my computer. But that's not what this post is about. This post is going to be about meeting...

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