The Hague Shopping Night 2016
4:06 AM
Hello everyone,
How are you doing? I am doing kinda meeh. But I will tell you about that in my POTW blogpost!
In this blogpost I would like to inform my fellow Dutchies that there is a shopping Night in The Hague (a.k.a. Den- Haag) today the 24th. This is actually the first time that I will be going. I have heard about this event 3 years ago, but I couldn't go because I had other obligations (school and my internships). Soooo, let me break it down down for ya! Basically, it is a day/night (the time depends on the store) where they have crazy sales! Most of the sales start around 17 o'clock and the sales end at midnight! According to their website it's a pretty big happening. If I have read it correctly there will also be a fashion show!
Oh and by the way guys, The Bodyshop has amazing sales right now! I don't know if it has to do with Shopping Night or it's just a sale.
I am going with two friends of mine. So that'll definitely be a lot of fun. I do think that I am going to post a picture on the Gram (Instagram, you guys) and I will update my Snapchat.
You can follow me on Instagram: Laxmii
You can follow me on Snapchat:
xo Laxmi
If you want more information! |