
Trying out the zen- life

Hey you! How are ya? The sun is shining and I feel quite good! Last week I did not feel so well. I think I discussed in my last blogpost, but I am not sure. Last week I stayed up all night to finish a project and I felt the aftermath til today! Yesterday I fell asleep 'early'(2 am) considering my bedtime during...

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A week of loss

Hello everyone! How are ya doing?  I am sitting in front of my laptop zoning out a bit, with my leave in hair oil treatment. I am also feeling a bit delirious because I stayed up all freaking night to finish a project, which I did, yay me... I still have to re-read everything, but I am half way there! This is my second blogpost...

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New series!

Hello everyone! How are ya doing? I am doing pretty fine, if I may say so! In my last blogpost I told you that I was going to start a new series so I can stay more active on my blog. This series is called; Pics of the week (in short POTW). On POTW I will post pictures which peeked my interest this week and it...

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Hello everyone!  I came up with this series to stay more active on my blog.  And also this way you can get to know me a bit better! You can think of it as a weekly 'vlog' but in blog form. If you have any questions feel free to ask! xoxo Laxmi  ...

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Hello everyone! First of all I'd like to thank you for reading my blog, which I started in 2015. I want to come up with loads of stuff in 2016. This could be from traveling to beauty to chatty experiences. I really hope you had an amazing New Year's Eve, whether you spend it with friends or family, or both! ...


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