Sad world
3:56 PMHello everyone!

When I was around 9 or 10 years old my teacher taught us about the Second World War. She let the class watch a movie about it and some people cried. It was a tough subject though so it was understandable. Since then I became intrigued with that subject and guess what I did? I went to the library and I read every single book about the Second World War I could find. And the things I read were horrendous. It was like there was a train wreck waiting to happen and you just couldn't look away.
In the past couple of years I have learned to look at both sides of the story. And I realized that people would do anything to survive and believe strongly in what they tell themselves to believe in order to survive. I found it very upsetting that in a lot of stories people forgot their humanity. Their sense to care for each other just flew out of the window. I asked myself 'What would you do in such a situation'? And I was like (just to remind you, I was about 11 years old)I would kill myself before I would become inhumane. And that was an easy decision for me to make because I lived in a black and white world back then. You know, I defined things by good and bad. But nowadays I realize there is a ginormous grey area in between and now I am like I want to live. But what would I do in order to be alive? Would I be able to kill? Would I be able to throw everything I believe away in order to save my own life or my families life? If I am going to be honest with you guys, I have no idea...
Most of the things I read about the Second World War happend in the past, so there was a distance between me and the books. But with all the (terrorist)attacks we are having these days the distance between the books and me are becoming smaller and smaller... Which is freaking me out. I never realized how much I love life. Last year with the Paris attack I said to my friends 'Guys, I am terrified. I do believe that the Netherlands is on their hitlist'. And a lot of my friends agreed with me. And guess what? Today, when I woke up I decided to go Facebook and I saw that there was another attack in Brussels. And I got kind of scared... I feel my need to survive kicking in... Like, guys I want to live. I am going to get very superficial here, so my apologies. I am only 21 years old and I want to experience things, I want to be able to go to work, get my diploma, rent an apartment eventually and I want to be able to not live in fear. I might sound kind of crazy right now but I feel like World War Three is around the corner and I am scared for my mom, my cousins, my family, my friends and everybody else. I never thought that I would feel this way... I thought people these days would be smarter, more sympathetic towards echt other you know? But unfortunately their actions say other wise. We were doing good you know, and then this happened.
In the past couple of years I have learned to look at both sides of the story. And I realized that people would do anything to survive and believe strongly in what they tell themselves to believe in order to survive. I found it very upsetting that in a lot of stories people forgot their humanity. Their sense to care for each other just flew out of the window. I asked myself 'What would you do in such a situation'? And I was like (just to remind you, I was about 11 years old)I would kill myself before I would become inhumane. And that was an easy decision for me to make because I lived in a black and white world back then. You know, I defined things by good and bad. But nowadays I realize there is a ginormous grey area in between and now I am like I want to live. But what would I do in order to be alive? Would I be able to kill? Would I be able to throw everything I believe away in order to save my own life or my families life? If I am going to be honest with you guys, I have no idea...
Most of the things I read about the Second World War happend in the past, so there was a distance between me and the books. But with all the (terrorist)attacks we are having these days the distance between the books and me are becoming smaller and smaller... Which is freaking me out. I never realized how much I love life. Last year with the Paris attack I said to my friends 'Guys, I am terrified. I do believe that the Netherlands is on their hitlist'. And a lot of my friends agreed with me. And guess what? Today, when I woke up I decided to go Facebook and I saw that there was another attack in Brussels. And I got kind of scared... I feel my need to survive kicking in... Like, guys I want to live. I am going to get very superficial here, so my apologies. I am only 21 years old and I want to experience things, I want to be able to go to work, get my diploma, rent an apartment eventually and I want to be able to not live in fear. I might sound kind of crazy right now but I feel like World War Three is around the corner and I am scared for my mom, my cousins, my family, my friends and everybody else. I never thought that I would feel this way... I thought people these days would be smarter, more sympathetic towards echt other you know? But unfortunately their actions say other wise. We were doing good you know, and then this happened.

I just want to finish this post by saying that I am disappointed in the world we live in. I want to send my condoleances to everyone who has lost someone because of the situation we are in now.
xo Laxmi