
Birthday, minor and music.

7:07 AM

Hello everyone!

How are you doing? I know that I have disappeared since October but a lot of stuff has happened since then. First of all I turned 21! Although I don't feel 21 ;).

I did not have a big party. There was a small 'gathering' with the family members I am the closest to. Either way I could not have had a bigger party if I wished for it. Because the following Monday I had an exam.. I don't think that I did well.. I still have to wait for my results though (fingers crossed).

I also started with a new minor 'Youth care'. We are discussing the subject 'Child abuse'. It has been very interesting so far! When it comes to interviewing and having conversations with parents, it overlapped, with my first minor... Which is unfortunate. I have to do a small assay. My partner and I have to do research in an institution where we have to gather information on how the pedagogical staff acts when they suspect child abuse. We had our first interview on Wednesday. It went very well if I might add and we received a TON of information. The interview lasted for an hour and a quarter. My partner and I have to type EVERYTHING out kill me now please. Oh well, you have to do what you have to do, right?

Ohhhh and a lot of good albums have been released! Like the 'Wiped out' album from The Neighbourhood. It is very grungy but the lyrics are AMAZING! But I think I like their previous album a bit more though... 

And I have been in to 'Communion' from Years & Years! Aaaaaaaargh yeas. Olly's voice is everything and the beat is just the BOMB.COM! And you know what the sad part is? Both of the bands are coming to the Netherlands in 2016, but I am broke and could not find someone to go with me :(. My cousin wanted to go with me if I couldn’t find anyone, which is really nice of her!

By the way the weather is pretty nice here in the Netherlands! I love autumnal/winter-y weather. So I have got that going for me, which is nice ;).

I am going to bake a cake now, so I’ll talk to you later!

                          xo Laxmi

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