
November was a fun month because...

...after a couple of months I finally hung out with two different friend groups of mine! The first group I met in high school and the second group of friends I met during my internship two years ago. And I also hung out with another friend of mine who graduated college during the summer!  ...I read A LOT of books. I read a...

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What would president Obama do?

November eighth, 2016. It was around 2:30 am.  Before I went to bed I refreshed my news page to check on the results. "Good" I thought, Clinton was ahead of Trump. My mind became less clouded, but it did make me think what would happen if Trump did become president, I was curious, can you blame me? Social cohesion would disappear, no gun control, no...

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Scarecrow for Halloween!

Hello everyone! Last Saturday, I went to my first 'Halloween' party ever! I put Halloween under quotation marks because I went to a friends birthday party. And you had to be dressed up, because around midnight my friend wanted to go clubbing. I did dress up, but I did not go clubbing, because I celebrated my own birthday and Diwali (for the ones...

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September overview and life update

Hello everyone! Longtime, no see. Let me tell you that September has been a busy month so far. This blogpost is more of an update on how I have been doing and my favorite moments during this month! Without any further ado, let's begin. ...

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Boy, oh boy, oh boy...

Hello everyone! Boy, oh boy, oh boy... Have I got a story to tell you guys! So, I went to school yesterday around half past 3 and I found out that I had class till 8 pm. My first class was till 6 pm. and then I had a 30 minute break. During my break I immediately went to my next class because...

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Markthal Rotterdam| Food heaven or food hell?

Hello everyone!  How are you doing? I am doing pretty good! At the moment I am totally obsessed with Norah Jones (I am listening to her 'Featuring Norah Jones' album right now). Her voice is so captivating! Normally, I am not into Jazz, but after listening to her, I just fell in love with that genre of music. If you know any Jazz...

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This is getting out of control...

Hello everyone, After what happened, I just had to take a breather for the last couple of weeks. I was planning to write about the tragic deaths of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling but then the police shooting happened, the situation in Turkey got out of control, a man drove through a crowd of people in Nice and people in Germany are being killed......

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Exams and The Hague Shopping Night 2016

Hello everyone!  I hope you are doing well? In this blogpost I am going to talk about why I felt kinda 'meeh' the last time. Oh and I will also talk about the shopping night I went to. So without any further ado, lets begin! ...

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The Hague Shopping Night 2016

Hello everyone, How are you doing? I am doing kinda meeh. But I will tell you about that in my POTW blogpost!  In this blogpost I would like to inform my fellow Dutchies that there is a shopping Night in The Hague (a.k.a. Den- Haag) today the 24th. This is actually the first time that I will be going. I have heard about...

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Orlando shooting

Hello everyone,  Welcome to this new category on my blog! In this category I am going to talk about social issues in the world. I know that I have said in a lot of my other blogposts that I am going to focus on the happy things in life, but that does not mean that I will be ignoring the bad things that...

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A piece of my mind

Coming soon! Coming soon! ...

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Meeting some American college students!

Hello everyone, How are you doing? I'm doing pretty well. I just wanted to start of by saying that I'am incredibly late with posting this, but I had some technical difficulties, which resulted in me rebooting my laptop. And yes guys, I lost everything on my computer. But that's not what this post is about. This post is going to be about meeting...

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I am DEVASTATED + Cry Baby part two

Hello everyone! How you doin'? I'm bringing back some Joey Tribbiani vibes ;) because I hope that will cheer me up a bit. I am pretty devastated at the moment... Okay, let me explain. In a previous blogpost I was talking about leaving Facebook for a while because I was checking it before I went to sleep EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. And because of...

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Happy day at the beach!

Hello everyone! How are you doing? I am doing pretty fine. And I would like to announce that I have received a 'yes' for my bachelor proposal, which means that the following weeks are going to be hella busy! But before that I had a little bit of down time with a friend of mine. So that is what this blogpost is going...

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Sad world

Hello everyone!  I love to read! What I remember about myself is that I would read whenever and wherever I was. I tried to finish my work as fast as I possibly could at school so I could read (I was around 6 or 7 years old I think), at home I would read all day, when I was on a break I...

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Melanie Martinez album review: part 1

Hello everyone! How are you doing? I have been quite well, but a bit busy! In this blogpost I will talk about Melanie Martinez album 'Cry baby'. This might not be everyone's cup of tea... So I am giving you a heads up because I'm going to talk about this exquisite album of hers. This blogpost is going to be split in to four...

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Melanie Martinez describes my feelings...

Hello everyone! How are you doing? I don't have any words to describe my feelings except for 'Mehhh'. I have no idea what is going on with me, but sometimes I don't feel like talking to anyone, I'll just stay in my room and just be a loner and I can be very irritable (no guys, I am not pms-ing). I just want...

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Trying out the zen- life

Hey you! How are ya? The sun is shining and I feel quite good! Last week I did not feel so well. I think I discussed in my last blogpost, but I am not sure. Last week I stayed up all night to finish a project and I felt the aftermath til today! Yesterday I fell asleep 'early'(2 am) considering my bedtime during...

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A week of loss

Hello everyone! How are ya doing?  I am sitting in front of my laptop zoning out a bit, with my leave in hair oil treatment. I am also feeling a bit delirious because I stayed up all freaking night to finish a project, which I did, yay me... I still have to re-read everything, but I am half way there! This is my second blogpost...

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New series!

Hello everyone! How are ya doing? I am doing pretty fine, if I may say so! In my last blogpost I told you that I was going to start a new series so I can stay more active on my blog. This series is called; Pics of the week (in short POTW). On POTW I will post pictures which peeked my interest this week and it...

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Hello everyone!  I came up with this series to stay more active on my blog.  And also this way you can get to know me a bit better! You can think of it as a weekly 'vlog' but in blog form. If you have any questions feel free to ask! xoxo Laxmi  ...

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Hello everyone! First of all I'd like to thank you for reading my blog, which I started in 2015. I want to come up with loads of stuff in 2016. This could be from traveling to beauty to chatty experiences. I really hope you had an amazing New Year's Eve, whether you spend it with friends or family, or both! ...


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